Digital Caricatures Make The Best
Trade Show Booth Giveaway!!!

"What are Digital Caricatures and how do they compare to regular traditional caricatures?" you ask. It's their ability to be drawn directly into the computer via an electronic tablet, amazing your clients and guests as they line up to get a better look at this state-of-the-art technology. Most will claim never seeing anything like this before! Ultimately increasing booth traffic and lead generation, which is what we're there for!
Digital Caricatures is the next level in Caricature Entertainment. With our artists' decades of experience in drawing caricatures at parties and special events, we now offer this exciting product which will WOW your guests and clients at your next trade show.
Live Digital Caricatures allow for all sorts of advantages over traditional paper drawn caricatures, like the Caricatures unfolding on a larger display, LCD flatscreen or projector allowing it to be seen from greater distance. Attracting more people into your trade show booth or entertaining a larger group of guests without having to crowd around the artists, looking over their shoulders.
Each caricature will be printed on glossy, easy to carry, 4x6 prints right there on the spot in less than a minute, allowing your guests or clients to show off their caricatures to everyone else. They can also be printed with your company logo, slogan and/or text with the name and date of the event. Custom borders and backgrounds can also be designed.
Then, and this is the best part, we slip the caricature prints into a badge holder with a lanyard or clip and send them off wearing their caricature around the conference. Other attendees see their caricatures and ask them where they got it and are NOW looking for your booth! This REALLY works!!
But wait! There's more!!
Your guest will also be able to get a digital JPG files of their caricature, as well as their friends', that they can download off the internet after the event from a webpage that will feature your company's logo with links back to your company's website or we can arrange for you to send them the digital copies to follow up with your leads. Your guests will be able to quickly download their digital caricatures either directly to their computers or mobile device and upload them to their Facebook page, reprint copies or do whatever they wish with them. They can download their friend's and associates' caricatures to use as ID images on their devices. This just extends the fun and Lead Generating possibilities of having Live Digital Caricatures at your next Trade show or Corporate event!
Digital Caricatures is the next level in Caricature Entertainment. With our artists' decades of experience in drawing caricatures at parties and special events, we now offer this exciting product which will WOW your guests and clients at your next trade show.
Live Digital Caricatures allow for all sorts of advantages over traditional paper drawn caricatures, like the Caricatures unfolding on a larger display, LCD flatscreen or projector allowing it to be seen from greater distance. Attracting more people into your trade show booth or entertaining a larger group of guests without having to crowd around the artists, looking over their shoulders.
Each caricature will be printed on glossy, easy to carry, 4x6 prints right there on the spot in less than a minute, allowing your guests or clients to show off their caricatures to everyone else. They can also be printed with your company logo, slogan and/or text with the name and date of the event. Custom borders and backgrounds can also be designed.
Then, and this is the best part, we slip the caricature prints into a badge holder with a lanyard or clip and send them off wearing their caricature around the conference. Other attendees see their caricatures and ask them where they got it and are NOW looking for your booth! This REALLY works!!
But wait! There's more!!
Your guest will also be able to get a digital JPG files of their caricature, as well as their friends', that they can download off the internet after the event from a webpage that will feature your company's logo with links back to your company's website or we can arrange for you to send them the digital copies to follow up with your leads. Your guests will be able to quickly download their digital caricatures either directly to their computers or mobile device and upload them to their Facebook page, reprint copies or do whatever they wish with them. They can download their friend's and associates' caricatures to use as ID images on their devices. This just extends the fun and Lead Generating possibilities of having Live Digital Caricatures at your next Trade show or Corporate event!